
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

How to find deleted YouTube videos, I've created a Substack profile, & plans going forward

I have released and updates some articles that I have mentioned on

Upcoming posts to expect in the future... and expect more delays.

A big upgrade to the blog is that I finally started to use tags, so you can find material easier.

I will have to update and renovate articles, considering how many videos YouTube deleted. I'll also have to check "What don't most liberals realize?" and "What don't most conservatives realize?" to see if the videos work. If not, I'll have to fix the problem. 

To find deleted YouTube videos, scroll to the bottom of this article.

At least I'm not afraid of altCensored, BrandNewTube or censoring.

SayNoToDemcoide on SubStack

Free speech and Alt-tech site resource list

Articles on SayNoTo Democide drafts:

Europe is more libertarian than you think, and countries underrated by conservatives and the right wing.

What can the US and Europe learn from each other?

Gun facts

Teen advocates you should know

I'm looking at being more active on Quora and other social media. I have given up on Pinterest, because its visual based style with 500 character limits on comments is only conducive to arguing with straw man arguments, memes and thus shallow understanding of politics and unconducive to productive political discussions.

Considering how I'm entering the real world and being my own man, this is not such a bad thing. I will still be writing about politics, but not to the level that I used to.

How to find deleted YouTube videos:

Video version, "How to use playlists on altCensored. And how to find a video's playlist on altCensored.":

Let's say that you have a link to a deleted YouTube video, and that link is . You replace "youtube" with "altcensored", or copy the link, paste it after, delete "", and press "enter", making the result, revealing the video to be "Answer to a letter to Rys2sense".

Let's say that you're on this version of Answer to a letter to Rys2sense; . You see it's a playlist, and you want to find the playlist. Take the URL, delete everything between ".com" and "playlist" (/watch?v=4EEohWBk_cU&), add a forward slash (/) after "playlist", then "enter", revealing the playlist to be "Ryan Dawson racism" (short for "A few of Ryan Dawson's videos against racism").

Also, keep in mind that whenever you add videos to playlists, the first videos added in will be listed as last, and the last videos added in will be listed as first. I suggest creating a classification playlist to arrange videos into.

When it comes to playlist descriptions, use link shorteners or, if linking to a deleted or partially deleted playlist, use

You can find videos on Odysee by using taking the URL of a private or deleted YouTube video and find it on Odysee.

Do you like my "Read if you're making assumptions about me" post?