
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Will the Alt-Right fail or fall into obscurity? If so, why?

Do you remember the Tea party and Occupy Wall Street movements?

They both failed for having partisan demands, which drives people away.

Think about it. Now, look at the Social Justice Warrior left and the Alt-right and its extended circles. They're both, while louder on the internet, even more alienating than either Occupy Wall Street or the Tea party movements. And the Alt-right is mostly active on the internet and reviled outside of its circles. There are many people in White Nationalist and National Socialist circles that despise the Alt-right. The Alt-right barely has unity within itself, with members debating on topics such as rather or not Slavic people and Irish people should be counted as "white".

There are many segments of the Alt-right (especially the DailyStormer brand) that are so bad that even William Luther Pierce would very probably not like them.

"I'm a race realist and have ethno-nat[ionalist] sympathies but people like this guy really turn me off from the alt right. If the white nation we get is made up of Christopher Cantwell's comment section, I want no part of it." - Commenter on the video R.Realist arguing with Ry and askng questions.

I myself won't comment on rather or not the political pendulum will swing to the right, but Ryan Dawson predicts that in eight to ten years, the pendulum that swung so far to the left, is going to swing far to the right. Considering how well he predicts things, I expect him to be right.
(The part of the video where he says this is 1:13:20.)

He also mentions the issue in this video at 32:58:

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