
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Quora questions to address for Adam Green/Know More News' followers & other anti-Zionists

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Resources to use:

Israel, Zionism, Judaism & the Jewish people

Antisemitism explained; Why are the Jewish people so hated?; The best articles that criticize Judaism & Jewish culture

We need to talk: Adressing the myth of Jewish nepotism & the Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory

The Jewish Question, the Alt-Right, & authoritarianism; my most nuanced article yet?


Why does the 1.7% Jewish population in USA have so much political power?

Why is the Jewish lobby so powerful in the USA?

How much influence do Jews have on US banking, media, congress, and foreign policy? Are these purely racial stereotypes or are there any objective basis?

In the corporate media and social media there is an unquestionable sanctity given to topics dealing with Jews. Are Muslims unreasonable in demanding the same sanctity be extended to their prophets?

Why are Jews accused of controlling American media and Congress?

Do Jews think they are superior to other ethnic/religious groups in the world?

Why does the 1.7% Jewish population in USA have so much political power?

Why do some people in America claim that Jews own and run the media, banks, and created 

Why do most Jews, particularly on social media, want to brand, whoever is against policies of Israel, an anti-semite or a Holocaust denier?

Do you think it's strange that the media outlet usually points its arrows towards Muslims, but they rarely (almost never) point their arrows towards religious Jews when they perform a metzitzah b'peh 
(ritual that's considered to be a crime)?

In the corporate media and social media there is an unquestionable sanctity given to topics dealing with Jews. Are Muslims unreasonable in demanding the same sanctity be extended to their prophets?
How much influence do Jews have on US banking, media, congress, and foreign policy? Are these purely racial stereotypes or are there any objective basis?

Why in all of the discussions about Israel and Palestine is the issue of Zionist terrorism in the 30's and 40's never discussed?

Why is criticizing the Jewish religion so taboo? Are we supposed to try to make reparations for Hitler's holocaust by not questioning the religion?

Does the Israel lobby control American foreign policy?

Can you be critical of Israeli policy and not be considered anti-semitic?

Why do people hate Jews so much while Jews try not to hate anyone (even those who try to kill them)?

Why don't Palestinians and Arabs do their own hasbara to counter the Israeli one?

Why are Israeli people silent on atrocities in Palestine?

Why does American media portrays Palestinians as terrorists, especially Fox News?

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