I hate making categories like this. I judge people as individuals, as believe that people should be judged & individuals but not everyone is like that.
There are people are, on one side of the spectrum, see Jews as nothing but victims who are pure, innocent angels who can do absolutely nothing wrong, & on the other side of the spectrum, see Jews as being pure evil.
This is a complete false dichotomy, which I blame on the media, & to a far lesser degree, academia.
Here, I will list Jewish commentators, activists, journalists, academics, & intellectuals who I like. I can like someone even if they are a neckbeard, boomer, leftist, Zionist, or named Epstein.
This is roughly in order from those who are the last well-known or like the most to those who are the most well-known or I like the least. This is not a "tier-list", as that individuals are ranked higher if they are little-known or cover obscure & niche topics.
Jeffrey "Jeff" Blankfort.
While he is politically on the left (his articles have appeared on a lot of left-leaning sources, & he supports Black Lives Matter), unlike the vast majority of modern leftists, actually has the balls to give not only real criticisms of Israel & the Israeli lobby, but also, call out controlled opposition within the anti-war movement, namely Noam Chomsky, Phyllis Bennis & Jewish Voice for Peace.
His exposing of controlled opposition within the anti-war & anti-Zionist movements are so extensive that, instead of listing everything here, I'll just provide a link to my article
With this, Blankfort has has sued the Anti-Defamation League, & WON.
He's also made small criticisms of Jewish culture.
Like Gilad Atzmon, Blankfort is seemingly only known within the 2000's blogosphere.
I've found out about Blankfort through Ryan Dawson.
Gilad Atzmon.

Rafi Farber.
I appreciate him for his anti-war views, criticism of Israel, criticism of Judaism & Jewish culture, & criticism of critical race theory & intersectionality.
As you can expect, he's good at triggering leftists:
A few of his articles that I find interesting:
I disagree with him attributing the 2008 financial crisis & great recession on deregulation; https://tomwoods.com/search/2008+deregulation/.
Atzmon mentioned Blankfort at 46:20 of Gilad Atzmon in NYC: Jewish Controlled Opposition. I'll just say that, apparently, the two men have their differences.
Norman Gary Finkelstein.

He's one of the best critics of Israel I've ever heard. Ryan Dawson has mentioned him & his book Beyond Chutzpah, & recommends it with the books Against Our Better Judgment by Alison Weir & Big Israel by Grant F. Smith.
Rafi Farber.
He's a libertarian who once ran for Israel's Knesset. While a Zionist (an understandable prerequisite in Israeli politics), he does support a one-state solution, is anti-war, & wants to reject U.S. foreign aid.
I wish that he was the leader of the Zehut party & not Moshe Feiglin, who is a blatantly racist, homophobic boomer who supports Johnathan Pollard (though at least Moshe it honest about all of this).
Shlomo Gordon.
It's funny that a guy named "Shlomo" who has a beard, topped with a little hat, & I guarantee to be circumcised is included in a list of people who I politically like.
Anyways, he was a Zehut party candidate & leans pretty libertarian, though I don't consider him to be a perfect libertarian due to being a Zionist, & a religious Zionist at that (which I'll have to look more into, considering how the way I see it, Zionism is not really a religious ideology).
I found out about him through his debates & discussions with Adam Green of Know More News & appreciate him to talking to Adam Green.
YouTube channel: Shlomo Gordon.
Twitter: Shlomo Gordon.
Michael Dargaryen.
He has stated that he would support imperialism if it was in American interests. However, he could possibly be facicious, telling from his body language & especially his facial expressions. I am, in contrast to Dargaryen, a very serious & dry person (think of Aaron Hawkins of StormCloudsGathering), & not joking or trollish.
Aaron S. Zelman.
The organisation that he founded, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, has made some of the strongest arguments for the right to keep & bear arms & armor. From what I've read, Zelman was more-or-less a single-issue activist, which I not only have no problems with, but actually agree with, because single-issue activists & authors are far less alienating than activists & authors who try to promote complete, packaged philosophies, & can be specialists on said issues.
From what I've read, the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership was not as good as it was when Zelman was alive.
As a bonus, I'll mention Video of Jewish Gun-Rights Activist Banned in 40 Countries.
Eric Clopper.
While he does lean left politically, unlike most modern lefitsts, who are seemingly out to virtue signal about how they're good people & concerned with looking good around each other, he is not politically correct, & he does not come across as a soyboy at all. He's not afraid to tell the truth as he sees it, & is honest with his thoughts & feelings.
He is to circumcision as John Taylor Gatto is to education & schooling or Ryan Dawson is to geopolitics & Israel's influence.
He is to circumcision as John Taylor Gatto is to education & schooling or Ryan Dawson is to geopolitics & Israel's influence.
My only real problem with his presentation Sex & Circumcision: An American Love Story by Eric Clopper is that he does not get into the effects of trauma from circumcision.
One can say that, from an optics point of view, he was less-than-professional towards the end of his presentation. Then again, if you can't get emotional & swear about the mutilation of children's genitals, then what can you get emotional & swear about, since swear words are for emphasis?
Mordechai Vanunu
Vanunu is the man who confirmed the existence of Israel's nuclear weapons. He gave his freedom to blow the whistle on Israel's nuclear weapons. Even after leaving the cage, he is not a free man to this day.
Dr. Robert Epstein.
He is one of the few academics who criticize adolescence, with others being Dan Romer, Dr. Adriana Galvan, David Moshman, Marshall Rosenburg, & John Bruer, whose works are listed in Teen/Youth Rights resource list: Teen advocates that you should know.
Milton Friedman.
He advocated free-market economics, was instrumental in capitalistic reforms in the world, & even helped end conscription in the United States of America.
He also supported equal rights for homosexuals, and also supported legalizing drugs and prostitution.
I know that people don't like him meeting with certain politicians such as Ronald Regan, Margaret Thatcher, & especially, Augusto Pinochet. I still support Freeman talking to Pinochet & other nefarious figures, because I am far more concerned about people's welfare & ability to prosper than avoiding guilt by association. Talking to someone doesn't mean that you support or agree with them or their actions or policies. What really matters is how people's standard of living can be improved & how much freer people can be to do as they please.
I know that people don't like him meeting with certain politicians such as Ronald Regan, Margaret Thatcher, & especially, Augusto Pinochet. I still support Freeman talking to Pinochet & other nefarious figures, because I am far more concerned about people's welfare & ability to prosper than avoiding guilt by association. Talking to someone doesn't mean that you support or agree with them or their actions or policies. What really matters is how people's standard of living can be improved & how much freer people can be to do as they please.
John Frank Stossel.

He might be milquetoast, & I have disagreed with him on drunk driving, BlackWater & have mixed feelings about the United States Military. But he helped introduce a lot of people to libertarianism, & is pretty reasonable, & not a neckbearditarian (a libertarian neckbeard).
Robert Nozick.
Ludwig von Mises.
I appreciate his contributions to capitalism, Austrian economics, & classical liberalism. Contrary to popular belief, he did not support fascism.
Yaron Brook.

(File:Yaron Brook at Tea Party Patriots.jpg)

(David D. Friedman)
Gene Epstein.

(Episode 176: Gene Epstein – ‘Mommy Was a Commie, How I Rose from Stalinism to Libertarianism’)
I appreciate him for promoting free markets & individual liberty, & being a minarchist, more pragmatic than anarcho-capitalists. In other words, a rather prominent libertarian who is not a neckbeard.
I wish that he would reference Robert Nozick & not Ayn Rand, though.
He won't take a strong stance against Israel, but I can guess why, being that maybe he doesn't understand the Israel issue well enough to expose Israel's power, influence, & imperialism, &/or he does not want to be cancelled, deplatformed, & ostracized for criticizing Israel, which is a tarbaby topic.
David Director Friedman.

(David D. Friedman)
Unlike Murray Rothbard & Walther Block, he argues for anarcho-capitalism from a consequentialist perspective, so I don't consider him to be quite a neckbeard. As someone who is somewhere between a minarchist & classical liberal for pragmatic reasons, I do respect David Friedman contributing his ideas.
Gene Epstein.

(Episode 176: Gene Epstein – ‘Mommy Was a Commie, How I Rose from Stalinism to Libertarianism’)
I appreciate his contributions to the Austrian school of economics, and his economics debates.
Peter David Schiff.

I appreciate him for his commentary on economics.
Richard Allen Epstein.
I appreciate his works on torts, contracts, property rights, law and economics, classical liberalism, & libertarianism.
Murray Newton Rothbard.
Love his philosophy. That being said, I do see him as being very much a philosopher who purely uses moral reasoning & grandstands on said moral reasoning, not a pragmatist who tries to bring realistic, real-world change like Milton Friedman.
My problem with him is that he is a purist. This is perhaps why many anarcho-capitalists are principled to a fault, & why so many libertarians (especially voluntarists/anarcho-capitalists) are not bringing real-world change by engaging in the political system, voting, running for office, etc.
I would not say that Murray Rothbard is dumb, but rather, overly principled to a fault. In other words, as opinionated as he is intelligent.
I do not believe that Rothbard intended to hurt the libertarian movement or, to a lesser degree, the political right, it's just that he is a philosopher & not a pragmatist, strategist, or political scientist. I'd blame his neckbearded followers who are trying to apply philosophy to politics in a world where the vast majority of the population is concerned with having a convenient, easy life & are apathetic about philosophy.
I recommend other libertarians & economists, such as Thomas Sowell, Henry Hazlitt, Tom Woods, Milton Friedman, John Stossel, Fredrich Hayek, Robert Nozick, Larry Reed, & David Boaz, roughly in that order.
I would only recommend Rothbard to people who are really interested in philosophy, as that his ideas only really appeal to philosophers, & not to consequentialists, people who care about results, & the vast majority of people do subscribe to consequentialism.
Hence, why I call him my favorite philosophizer, & my favorite neckbeard.
Walter Edward Block.
Though I will say that I disagree with his belief that animals have no rights. I believe in animal welfare in the sense that animals shall not be tortured, & that animals should not be killed, mutilated, or put through pain unnecessarily.
While his ideas may not be actionable for a long time, if ever, it does not hurt to have someone contribute ideas on how to run things without a state.
Dave Smith.
(Work in progress.)
He does have commentary which I find interesting, but, with all due respect, has done little to contribute to libertarianism intellectually or academically (then again, I'm little more than a blogger and content aggregator).
YouTube: Dave Smith.
Obscure Jews:
All of these individuals are either mentioned in Adam Holland Zionist pig taken to the Woodshed, & are all included for their role in the anti-war & Palestine-solidarity movement or are people I have not taken the time to listen to much & make opinions about (the latter of which is my fault, but I need to get this article out sooner or later).
Israeli News Live.
Honorable Mention:
Richard Matthew Stallman.
Just watch the video Why You Should Use Free Software.
Rob Prince

Bob Tuskin.
Yisroel Dovid Weiess.
Closing out: I think the reason why there are so many Jews in the media & academia is because of Nepotism, which occasionally creates good irony, as we've seen in academia with Eric Clopper (who was a student at Harvard), Milton Friedman, Robert Nozick, Richard Epstein, &, in the media, John Stossel, the last of whom used to be a progressive.
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