Anti NeoCon Report
Ryan Dawson's VK More News/Know More News 2
The Last American Vagabond
Robert Inlakesh Patreon
Thomas Goodrich - Hell and Humor
Don't like the mainstream media? Here's some alternate media sites that I would recommend.
YouTube/altCensored channels
1. SayNoTo Democide YouTube/SayNoToDemocide altCensored (this is more of a content directory & for reuploaded videos than anything else).
2. Ryan Dawson/rena kawa
3. reallygraceful
4. MoFreedomFoundation
5. Know More News/Know More News 2
6. Scott Horton
7. AntiwarRadio
9. Newsbud
10. RepresentativePress/☆ Rep. Press 2nd channel of RepresentativePress
11. corbettreport/Corbett Report Extras
12. StormCloudsGathering
Not foreign policy focused, but still good:
Israel & Palestine specific:
Websites and authors:
Gilad Atzmon
Norman Finkelstein
Greg Felton
Alison Weir
(Against Our Better Judgment)
If Americans Knew
If Americans Knew blog
Honorable mentions:
Al Jazeera
The Guardian
Russia Today
YouTube channels:
Israel's Influence: Good or Bad for America?
National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship"
Robert Inlakesh
Anthony Lawson
George Galloway
If Americans Knew
The Electronic Infadata
The Bilzerian Report
Eva K Bartlett
Other channels not listed.
YouTube playlists:
The truth about Israel exposed
They hate us for our freedom! The truth about war & foreign policy exposed
The ultimate playlist of truth.
If you have more sources, please comment below!

The Last American Vagabond
Robert Inlakesh Patreon
Thomas Goodrich - Hell and Humor
Michael Collins Piper Report
Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy
A-Infos Radio Project
The Unz Review
BlackListed News
More alternate media:Representativepress
Michael Collins Piper Report
Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy
A-Infos Radio Project
The Unz Review
BlackListed News
Don't like the mainstream media? Here's some alternate media sites that I would recommend.
YouTube/altCensored channels
1. SayNoTo Democide YouTube/SayNoToDemocide altCensored (this is more of a content directory & for reuploaded videos than anything else).
2. Ryan Dawson/rena kawa
3. reallygraceful
4. MoFreedomFoundation
5. Know More News/Know More News 2
6. Scott Horton
7. AntiwarRadio
9. Newsbud
10. RepresentativePress/☆ Rep. Press 2nd channel of RepresentativePress
11. corbettreport/Corbett Report Extras
12. StormCloudsGathering
Not foreign policy focused, but still good:
Israel & Palestine specific:
Websites and authors:
Gilad Atzmon
Norman Finkelstein
Greg Felton
Alison Weir
(Against Our Better Judgment)
If Americans Knew
If Americans Knew blog
Honorable mentions:
Al Jazeera
The Guardian
Russia Today
YouTube channels:
Israel's Influence: Good or Bad for America?
National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship"
Robert Inlakesh
Anthony Lawson
George Galloway
If Americans Knew
The Electronic Infadata
The Bilzerian Report
Eva K Bartlett
Other channels not listed.
YouTube playlists:
The truth about Israel exposed
They hate us for our freedom! The truth about war & foreign policy exposed
The ultimate playlist of truth.
If you have more sources, please comment below!

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