When reading, just change the word “Jew”/”Jewish” to “Muslim”, “Judaism” to “Islam”, “Talmud” to “Hadith”, “Gentile” to “Infidel”, “Israel” to “Saudi Arabia” or “Iran” & so on & so forth. Re-read what I have written. Play some devil’s advocate. You’ll understand what I mean.
If you want the other side of the discussion, look elsewhere. I’m here to present my side of the case, specifically.
And if you don’t agree with or believe be, can you not take several minutes to look at the source provided before coming to your conclusion?
If Karl Marx said that the sky is blue, it does not mean that the sky is yellow. I say that to mean that just because you disagree with a source, even if it really had bad ideas, doesn’t mean that it is wrong.
- Part 1: Israel.
What the Media Won't Tell You About Israel | reallygraceful
If your mind isn’t changed, keep reading.
Since it seems like that many conservatives want to brush away talks about the past & can care less when Muslims are harmed (some actively hate Muslims), I’ll dilute the start of this down to what Israel has done to Christians & Westerners (especially Americans), & try using Israeli & Christian media sources when possible.
Let’s see how Israel treats Christians:
Israeli Forces Violently Disperse Peaceful Christmas March In Bethlehem.
Jewish Extremists Set Fire To Historic Church In Israel:
Church Where Jesus Fed the 5,000 Burned in Arson Attack; Anti-Christian Graffiti Calls for 'False Gods' to Be 'Eliminated'
Sea of Galilee church where ‘Jesus fed 5,000,’ torched in suspected hate attack
Bethlehem Church Burns; No One Cares
Radical Jewish group’s head advocates burning churches
They have killed Americans. USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, just to name a couple of things. Both of which were intentional. And the actors for both of the incidents have been honored in recent times;
Israeli communications said to prove IAF knew Liberty was U.S. ship (an Israeli source)
New tapes show Israel's attack on USS Liberty was deliberate (Includes interview)
The USS Liberty Cover-Up
Documentary about the U.S.S. Liberty:
Their government has actually held ceremonies to honor the terrorists involved in the Lavon affair:
Israel honors Egyptian spies 50 years after fiasco
Israel Honors Jewish Terrorists Who Attacked America
Israel Honors Lavon Affair Terrorists Who Attacked U.S. in '54, attempted to blame "Arabs"
(Here, Israeli president Moshe Katsav honoring terrorists involved in the Lavon affair.)
They even practically own the United States Congress. If you don’t kowtow to AIPAC, then you won’t get money to run again.
Short videos:
AIPAC 101 — What Every American Should Know
AIPAC: The Voice of America — Part 1: The Orange and the Pea
AIPAC: The Voice of America — Part 2 The Treasonous Dollar Drain
The Death of American Democracy
The documentary “The Lobby - USA” (in 4 parts):
The Lobby (UK) documentary (again, in 4 parts):
They also control the mainstream media & even many big-name online media. Sometimes they brag about it.
Short videos:
Top recommend:
Tribal Nepotism
Alternate viewing, in text;
Highly recommended:
The Zionist Matrix of Power HD.
Do Zionists Control Wall Street? The Shocking Facts!
CNN Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix.
Less recommended:
Truth About Israel - American Media Won't Tell You
Former CIA Officer Israel Controls U.S. Government & Media
Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land
Occupation of the American Mind (1:25:00)
(45 minute version)
(21 minute version)
Occupation of the American Mind: interview
LA Q&A Occupation of the American Mind
The human rights abuses in Israel are so bad that there have been military personnel, including INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS, PILOTS, SPECIAL FORCES MEMBERS, & a BRIGADIER GENERAL WHO IS ALSO A FLYING ACE, while they openly want to defend Israel (& are ideologically Zionists), they do not totally agree with many of the government’s policies, such as expanding into the West Bank or the collective punishment & mistreatment of civilians. So that’s some Elites Are More Glamorous in case you want to brush off IDF personnel speaking out about human rights abuses. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that the IDF has a serious problem with suicide.
There are also Zionists who want Israel to exist but disagree with settlements in the West Bank;
Zionism, Settlements, and the End of Israel - Media Monitors Network (MMN)
Who are the Zionists Against Israeli Settlements and the Occupation of the West Bank?
Settlements and anti-Zionists
Settlements and the Zionist vision
As Ron Paul once said, “the quest for empire destroys all great nations”. Maybe those who oppose Israeli imperialism but want to save the country should adopt that.
Israel also supports Syrian rebels, literally all of whom are Islamists (there are no such thing as “moderate rebels” in the Syrian conflict).
Israeli sources:
IDF confirms: Israel provided light-weapons to Syrian rebels
To push Iran back, Israel ramps up support for Syrian rebels, 'arming 7 different groups'
Former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon met with Syrian rebels
After years of speculation, IDF chief admits Israel supplied Syrian rebels with weapons
Netanyahu meeting with Syrian rebels in hospital;

Syrian rebel leader thanks PM for standing by wounded
Syrian Opposition Thanks Netanyahu
IDF Captain Dan Gordon Confronted by the GDL
And more recently, Israel has fired missiles into Syria at an 40+ year old Iranian Air Force cargo plane… that is carrying troops & items back from Syria to Iran as part of the agreement that included Iran leaving Syria. Why did they do that? How are the Iranian troops you want out of Syria supposed to get out without their ride?
The IDF didn’t even try to firing missiles at the Syrian rebels.
So there goes the “Israel is fighting terrorism” narrative.
If you’re wondering why Israel is doing what it is doing in Syria, watch the documentary “Syria: Israel’s Covert War on the Levant”;
Continued, here’s some more (this is only a fraction of what is going on):
Palestinian infant burned to death in West Bank arson attack; IDF blames 'Jewish terror'
Israeli settlers at a wedding party cheer burning of Palestinian baby
Israelis Watch Protest on Gaza Border, Cheer as Unarmed Palestinians Killed
83% of Israelis ‘strongly support’ shooting of Gaza protesters
Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms
When Genocide is Permissible (Just some food for thought.)
A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm
US taxpayers subsidizing Jewish terrorism in Israel, complaint alleges
And that is only a fraction of what is going on.
Buy the documentary
'Jewish State' How Terrorists formed a Nation - ANC Report (I know that the title sounds sensationalist), which talks about Israel’s early days that is not widely known in the mainstream.

One notable example of Zionist terrorism is the S.S. Patria bombing, were Haganah blew up a ship full of Jewish refugees, who made up most of the victims, with the bombing leaving at least 260 people dead.

(File:Patria (ship, 1914) - NH 42989 - cropped.jpg - Wikipedia)
And another shocker: Israel sells military technology to China, including American-taxpayer paid technology.
Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China - Military.com
Israel Selling China Military Technology, C.I.A. Chief Asserts - New York Times
How Israel used weapons and technology to become an ally of China - Newsweek
Even Wikipedia openly talks about some of this;
China-Israel relations#Military cooperation
Perhaps the best visual example of this would be China’s Chengdu J-10, which is based on Israel’s Israel Aerospace Industries Lavi.

Ditto for the Python Missile.
What a moral, civilized country.
The video Alex Jones back to the Woodshed debunks many talking points;
- Part 2: God’s Chosen People, identity politics, & taking criticism.
And there were actually anti-peace protests in Israel.
Do they rightfully represent all Jews?
Of course not!
If not, then why does a single Islamist represent all or a strong majority of Muslims?
The video How Calling People Islamophobic Actually Enables Bigotry explains what I’m going to talk about. Just change the word “Muslim” for ”Jew”, “Islamic” for “Jewish/Judaic”, “Islamophobe/Islamophobic” for “Antisemite/Antisemitc”, “Maajid Nawaz” for “Gilad Atzmon”, & so on & so forth.
(Though ironically some Zionists actually didn’t care so much for Jews:
History shows that anti-Semitism and pro-Zionism have never been mutually exclusive.)
Shapiro & Yiannopoulos, if you’re reading this, just so you know, some people actually see right through this. They see your practicing of identity politics, which discredits your anti-identity politics message, & sometimes even push them into their own identity politics (ie White Nationalism).
A case study for this is ramzpaul, though at least he is articulate in his criticisms in his video.
You’re really doing the anti-identity politics crowd a disservice when you oppose identity politics for everyone except for your own (perceived) in-group.
I myself am 1/8 Chinese. Does that mean that I should support China over India? No (I support India over China because they’re friendlier to the outside world, especially the West, & basic human rights is at least a concept, in contrast with China).
Do I support China harassing & bullying other Southeast Asian countries becuase I'm part Chinese? No.
Do I like big Chinese businesses buying up businesses in the outside world, simply because I’m part Chinese? No.
Am I at all happy about the Communist Chinese persecuting Muslims & Christians, considering how I have more in common with the typical non-religious Han Chinese person than a Uighur Muslim? No. And that is considering how I, an atheist, would’ve been persecuted by Christians throughout history (&, to this day, in parts of Africa), & many Muslims would also persecute me.
I have more Vietnamese (3/8) than Chinese (1/8) heritage in me. Do I hate or hold some grudge against Chinese people for what they historically did & are trying to do to Vietnam? No.
Continued, there are other oppressed ethnic & religious groups in the world, & they don’t get their own countries.
I think that identity politics & victim hood are equally wrong & stupid, regardless of who practices it.
Also, just because one hates an ideology does not mean that they hate a person. Most of us agree that smoking, an action, is stupid. That does not mean that we think that smokers, who are people, are stupid.
People who criticize Israeli policies are not hating on Jewish people. Even when that’s the case, the hatred comes from what hated group DOES, not what they are. I am concerned that what the Israeli government is doing & the constant conflation with the State of Israel with the Jewish people will create backlash against the latter, & the overuse of “Jew hater” accusations by partisan Israel supporters will not help this, & is crying wolf.
Jews & Israelis shouldn’t shun criticism of their religion, culture, &/or actions any more than anyone else. How would any group or individual improve themselves if they do not listen to criticism?
Similarly, if a business does not listen to the criticism of its customers, it won’t change its goods &/or services, & will be less successful.
I see a parallel between (usually Zionist) Jews & Israelis attacking non-Zionist Jews such as Gilad Atzmon, Jeff Blankfort, Norman Finkelstein & many others while doing little to nothing to address their arguments & how proponents of Black victimhood attack Black American Conservatives & libertarians like Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Larry Elder, Taleeb Starkes, & Candace Owens, calling them names like “Coon”, “Uncle Tom”, “Sellout”, “Race Traitor”, & so on & so forth for challenging the Black victimhood narrative.
Why does the “you’re only criticizing x because I’m Jewish” hold any more social weight than “”you’re only criticizing X because I’m black”? Are we not allowed to entertain the thought that a “Jew card” may exist like a “Black Card” does?
I can’t be the only person in the world to see this parallel.
I do see a kind of racism/faithism from Evangelical Christian Neoconservatives towards Jews, but unlike the left’s paternalistic racism towards Blacks & other minorities, type of attitude I see from typical Evangelical Neoconservatives toward Jews is favoritism, superiority &, especially, exceptionalism. Spend some time looking around conservative leaning sites & social media profiles, using the search terms “God’s Chosen People” & you should see what I mean (if not, ask me & I’ll show you some examples).
A case study for how different standards are held differently by right when it comes to Muslims & Jews is Howard Stern, as talked about in the video ‘Howard Stern to the Woodshed’.
What really happened was that the crowd was bribed with a cake & candy to look like they were celebrating. The crowd was tiny. The entire street wasn't shown. And the footage was only 20 seconds long.
Talk about something that was "out of context".
See the double standards?
How would Howard Stern probably feel if someone went around, collect racist things said by Jewish individuals, & uphold what they say to represent all Jews? I am aware of the fact that he himself is Jewish (not Evangelical Christian).
If you want to stop anti-Jewish hatred, one way to do it is to stop overusing the “antisemite” & “Jew hater” slurs to try & shut down any discussion that does not go your way. That does nothing to change anyone’s mind, & wears out the stigma.
You do not want to give merit to the saying “"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”.
Instead of saying “Author of video x is wrong & thus an anti-Semite”, make your own response to that video, pulling it apart & showing why it is wrong.
An article explaining my reasons why Jews should NOT be hated as a collective (which is also a punch at the Alt-right & related circles) will be linked later in this article.
I love Israel - that's why I'm criticising it today
Is it anti-Semitic to ask whether Israel has the right to exist?
"I am a Zionist but that doesn't mean I don't acknowledge Israel's faults. Israel is not above reproach. It is run by human beings who are not perfect. No country is above reproach. It's dangerous to think otherwise." - (((Melissa L))) @Agent99XXX
"I support Israel's right to exist. I'm a jew w/ family in Israel, but I have a question:
What's the difference between Palestinian suicide bombers blowing themselves up, killing the innocent, and Israeli snipers killing unarmed women & children protesting?
Just curious" - Brian Krassenstein @krassenstein
I can go on & on.
Instead of screaming “ANTISEMITE!” & dropping the mike, respond to the content of the people that you disagree with (I will post links to sources that you can do this with at the end), & hold debates.
Dialogue good:
Ryan Dawson debating an American Christian soldier who has visited Israel;
Ryan Dawson debating a former Israeli Defense Forces soldier;
Adam Green/Know More News debating with…
Owen Shroyer of Infowars.
Zionist Shlomo Gordon.
Zionist Organization Of America's Antar Davidson
Ryan Dawson of the Anti NeoCon Report:
(Ryan Dawson gets regularly banned from Facebook, so better use his other social media)
Adam Green of Know More News:
Know More News | Contact
Robert Inlakesh:
If you can’t get someone to debate, then why not at least create articles, audio &/or videos that actually debunk that your opponents say, such as what Ryan Dawson did with Alex Jones?
- Part 3: Miscellaneous.
'They Accept Us as We Are;' Christians Join Forces With Muslim Group Hezbollah to Fight ISIS in Lebanon
Christians Threatened By ISIS In Lebanon Turn To Hezbollah For Help
Lebanon finally elected a president — a Christian ally of Hezbollah
If you’re an (Evangelical Christian Conservative) Israel supporter who seriously cares about human rights & doesn’t follow John Wick morality (at least John Wick doesn’t harm innocent people), if this doesn’t make you reconsider your beliefs, I do not know what will.
And almost no one other than Evangelical Christian Holy Rollers & the like really care about Biblical prophecies.
Jim Lobe On Antiwar Radio with scott horton part 2 of 3
Seriously, lay off John Hagee & Pat Robertson. The End Times Predictions are just delusional.
You really cannot complain about Muslims using their religion to justify what they’re doing if you use your religion to justify what you’re doing. No one else wants to be involved in your “Holier than thou” p*****g match with Islamists & religious groups that are not your own.
I can go on, & on, & on for hours on end about what Israel’s government & its partners have done. But, instead of listing their wrongs here, I’ll link to sources to listen to. I’ll lead a horse to water.
I can care less what religion you practice. But please, follow a political philosophy that excludes religion.
Identity politics is wrong & stupid, Jew or Gentile.
I’d still definitely prefer a Jewish libertarian over an atheist Authoritarian (& I say this as an atheist) or Muslim Authoritarian etc, any time.
Oh, & remember the rift between Obama & Netanyahu that I mentioned? Netanyahu hated Obama because he’s actually a racist (according to Ryan Dawson, that is), which is plausible;
Netanyahu openly boasts of Israel's war on Africans
Netanyahu's racist mudslinging against Arabs
- Part 4. Solutions & who I support.
This is because, under a one state solution, Palestinians would be offered to emigrate (leave), become a permanent resident or full citizen, & at the same time Israelis can go into the West Bank & even Gaza without fighting with the Palestinians so much, making the issue of settlements a moot point, & there are less divisions in society.
What I have just said was inspired by something Ryan Dawson said in one of his late 2018 podcasts (forgot which one exactly. If any one of you know what I’m talking about, please let me know in the comments).
I do not want a situation like former Rhodesia, now Zimbawe, or South Africa today where people are having private property taken from them, with terrible economic & other consequences. Not to mention how unethical it would be to force people who have already been living in some place for a long time out of said place.
If you’re not going to go ahead & implement a One-state solution, remove the settlements from the West Bank, allow the West Bank to trade with the outside world more, & do the same by ending the blockade of Gaza.
Stop shooting people simply for being close to the border without actually crossing (at least). Stop harassing & persecuting people in Israel proper.
Put the IDF & Border Police on the border where they should be. As mentioned before, even some philosophical Zionists support this.
- Part 5. Is the left antisemitic?
Many on the left do see Jews as white , & Israelis as white people of the middle east. But criticizing Jewish culture &/or Judaism is off-limits, or they at least shut up when someone screams “antisemite!” at them.
(2:14 - 4:41)
I’m guessing that they actually can’t really make up their minds on the issue.
Rules when responding to this answer:
Do not bother calling me or anyone else an “anti-Semite” or otherwise try to derail, sidetrack, or divert the discussion. If you need to say that to me, do it here (my comments sections are always open. I even allow spam comments);
The Jewish Question, the Alt-Right, & authoritarianism; my most nuanced article yet?
I have never advocated anti-Jewish hatred or blamed all or even a simple majority or Jews for any problem. I am mainly talking about a minority within a minority. I’m done explaining that I do not hate Jews as a collective, & why.
My thoughts & opinions on Jews not what the answer is really about. Israel & powerful & influential Zionists is more what this answer is about.
If you wish to discuss rather or not nepotism explains Jewish over-representation in media, business & government, comment on
We need to talk: Adressing the myth of Jewish nepotism & the Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory
If you wish to discuss issues within Judaism & Jewish culture, comment on this article. I do this because there is a lack of discussion, let alone anything well-informed or even truly nuanced on the topic (I don’t want literal Neo-Nazis to dominate the discussion).
I do believe in the saying that “sunlight is the best disinfectant”.
Do not cite this guy when criticizing Ryan Dawson;
Adam Holland Zionist pig taken to the Woodshed.
Racist Neocon now trying to smear my podcast guests.
You can avoid that by simply directly listening or reading to whoever you have a disagreement with, ie actually taking what your opponent has said & directly respond to what they have said.
You can thank other Israel supporters I’ve dealt with for making these commenting policies, considering how much they use character assassinations (which is pointed out in the two documentaries about the Israeli lobby). I am done with that. I will not allow this comments section to become a character assassination range.
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