Hello there, fellow human beings! Welcome to my little space on the internet. As you can see here, this is NOT the average usual left or right wing or mainstream media person's blog. In fact, I intend to not only post some of my own views, but more importantly, challenge many of the views of both the left & right, do a little occasional philosophy, promote the truth, truth people, the alternate media, & above all, the values of liberty, peace, & prosperity, in that order.
PropOrNot, Is It Propaganda Or Not? Fake news sources, "Russian propaganda" accusations, hypocrisy of such accusations, & is the establishment media getting desperate? #FakeNews #UnfollowFriday
"Truth is truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it" - Anonymous.
"You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it." - Malcolm X. To prove to you that I am NOT a Russian agent or even a fan of Russia, see this article and this article (both of which are the same, just with different names).
A few of you might've found out of U.S. intel is pushing a Putin-Trump conspiracy theory:
Expecting my audience to be cruising around for information and becuase I underrated its importance, I didn't report on it. But all of that changed when I saw the heading for antiwar.com that looked exactly like what you would see here: https://web.archive.org/web/20161126081254/http://www.antiwar.com/ .
If you look in the list, you can see that sites such as Antiwar.com, whatreallyhappened.com, and stormcloudsgathering.com, all of which I link on my blog (though you may not be able to see it on a mobile device), and I routinely link to Antiwar.com and post StormCloudsGathering's content.
And they are thrown into the same category of sites like VeteransToday and Infowars, and even collectivist fear-porn based sites like the DailyStormer and BareNakedIslam. I'll talk about the last 2 later in this article.
There's a response to a PropOrNot reference video:
But wait, there's more! I guarantee you that there is no way that they'll talk about the influence of the Military Industrial Complex on the mainstream media;
James Corbett's response to the site (I was going to mention that I have found none of the supposed writers' identities yet, but Corbett pretty much does that for me):
I mean, really, if this site is for real, then is this the best that they can some up with so far?
But the kicker here is that, if these sites are supposedly so pro-Russia, then why is it that only RT (and maybe Sputnik) get major funding? If these sites were true propaganda sites, then they would be getting major money.
And speaking of money, here's the official story on why Google started to stop giving advertising money to alternate media sites and some YouTube channels:
This also reminds me of how groups such as the SPLC and ADL tries to defame activists and other dissidents, but kill their own credibility. I've been able to assemble an entire playlist about this (only the 1st 24 videos below are relevant).
My personal opinion on grouping in these alt-media sites with BareNakedIslam (BNI) and the DailyStormer (DS).
Both BNI and the DS would probably hate each other's guts with the former being strongly pro-Israel (I wonder if it's actually some Zionist operation that puts attention on Muslims to take attention off of the Israeli government), and the latter being fiercely anti-Jewish. The way I see it, both sides use dehumanising fear porn to get attention, and are right wing horseshoes of each other much like Social Justice Warriors and Neo-Nazis are left vs right.
I personally think that, much like Alex Jones, VeteransToday and other mainstream conspiracy people had made 9/11 a tar baby topic and how Neo-Nazis really helped make issues such as holocaust revisionism and more importantly, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into a super tar baby issue, BNI, Walid Shoebat and other hardcore right-wing anti-Muslim people had made it hard to criticise Islam, and especially with fear porn drawing in more people, rational and credible critics without a hyper political agenda, people such as IntrovertedSmiles have a hard time getting through to people who, while they do not like or support Islam, do not hate Muslims either.
Thank you for this brief but pointed run down of the nested bowls of WRONG needed by establishment more and more to promote, justify and fund perpetual war for elite profit.
I especially appreciate the included links.
I'm playing catch up the past couple weeks, and as post election "news" about "news" extends campaigns into 2017 filling social media with screeching birdies, MEANWHILE lame duck Congress meets on The Hill in virtual media silence, deciding fate and funds for such globally concerning issues as Trans-Pacific Trade/Investment Partnership, NSA surveillance expansions and SCOTUS appointments- at home-, while US, Saudi, et al (NATO/EU war alliance) agenda misses No beat in bombing Yemen, Libya, Syria, with more US troops being sent all around including Iraq&Afghan ground wars now in 16th year ... (not to mention US continuing militant ops in 100 countries, coercive fearmongering fanning flames in Africa, Central America, Cuba, Asian Pacific, Russia/Ukraine etc etc)...ALL OF WHICH HAS BEEN MADE POSSIBLE BY relentless MSM LIES FROM DC POLITICIANS.
Our gov Loves to ban all things while excepting their things. DC corporatist "experts" boast, Our lies, our drugs, our wars, are not only better than yours, but they are necessary for "the common good". If we suspect you of promoting other lies, drugs or wars, we can and will seize your property and detain you and we don't need no stinkin' warrants or due process.
Now they have they own conspiracy theory to sell. I guess their tin foil hats are better than ours.
Thank you for this brief but pointed run down of the nested bowls of WRONG needed by establishment more and more to promote, justify and fund perpetual war for elite profit.
ReplyDeleteI especially appreciate the included links.
I'm playing catch up the past couple weeks, and as post election "news" about "news" extends campaigns into 2017 filling social media with screeching birdies, MEANWHILE lame duck Congress meets on The Hill in virtual media silence, deciding fate and funds for such globally concerning issues as Trans-Pacific Trade/Investment Partnership, NSA surveillance expansions and SCOTUS appointments- at home-, while
US, Saudi, et al (NATO/EU war alliance) agenda misses No beat in bombing Yemen, Libya, Syria, with more US troops being sent all around including Iraq&Afghan ground wars now in 16th year ... (not to mention US continuing militant ops in 100 countries, coercive fearmongering fanning flames in Africa, Central America, Cuba, Asian Pacific, Russia/Ukraine etc etc)...ALL OF WHICH HAS BEEN MADE POSSIBLE BY relentless MSM LIES FROM DC POLITICIANS.
Our gov Loves to ban all things while excepting their things. DC corporatist "experts" boast,
Our lies, our drugs, our wars, are not only better than yours, but they are necessary for "the common good". If we suspect you of promoting other lies, drugs or wars, we can and will seize your property and detain you and we don't need no stinkin' warrants or due process.
Now they have they own conspiracy theory to sell. I guess their tin foil hats are better than ours.
Don't leave home without one!
Thanks again for your effort.
Lisa Way @waynotway
I perfectly agree! And I'm happy that I've found someone who is also awake.